Python Files

  • What are they?
  • How do you use them?
  • When do you need them?

Overview of Python Parts

Lets say you have a structure of files that looks like this:

/python/server/  - Lets say we define a RequestHandler class in here.
/python/server/conn/    - Lets say we define a Listener class in here.

The first directory python is optional. I used it in this example in case you had a multiple project or multiple language checkout and wanted to keep your python bits separate.

If this is not the case you can pretend like the python dir doesn't exist at all and this should still work out the same.

Our code starts inside of the python directory so this will be the root of this project.

The subdirectories naturally make python modules. So from python's point of view we have the following modules.


We have the following classes.


In I might do something like:

from server.conn.listener import Listener

if __name__ == '__main__':

Keep this in mind as we go further.

What Are They?

Think of when you are creating a class and if you want your object to execute some code at the beginning you put the code in the __init__ method.

For example, the Listener class almost certainly has a method called __init__(self) and it gets called when we instantiate Listener.

The files are essentially the same thing except for modules.

Imagine if the server.conn module was a class. Its __init__(self) would be the /python/server/conn/ file instead.

How Do I Use Them?

These files can (and frequently are) completely empty. But here is an example of how they work.

If I were to add to the file /python/server/conn/ the following code:

some_kind_of_variable = 'Yahoo!'

In other code I could do this:

from server.conn import some_kind_of_variable


By mentioning 'server.conn' it was like instantiating that module and everything within /python/server/conn/ was executed within that module's scope. Since we created a variable some_kind_of_variable it is now available within that module.

We could also do:


When Do I Need Them?

Any time you are one or more subdirectories in from the base of the python project and you intend to import python code from there.

In the initial example we had an additional /python folder that wasn't part of the project so it did not need an file in it.

We did, however, intend to import from server, so it needed to have a file in it.

Here is another example of paths with examples of where NOT to use In this case our code is intended to be ran from the root instead of a separate python directory.


You will note that there is NOT a / file. Since this is the base of the python code, we are not yet in a module and so we don't need an file.

We do intend to import code from core and importer and tests and tests.core and tests.importer. All of those folders get their own files. In these cases, those files are completely empty.

This allows python to see that it can import from these modules but the modules themselves don't need any special code.

Last, you will notice that /docs and /html do not continain files. That is because they are not intended to be python modules and therefore don't need them.